Category Archives: Health Articles

Simply put, how are multivitamins important for the health of working women?

Multivitamins, what are they? Why are they important and beneficial? Multivitamins are dietary supplements that contain a variety of vitamins and minerals essential for the body. These include calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, vitamin B complex, vitamin E, vitamin K, zinc, manganese, beta-carotene, and iron, among others. There are many types and quantities of vitamins and minerals in multivitamins, each serving different purposes and meeting different bodily needs. Multivitamins play a crucial role in supporting various functions in the body, including converting food into energy and maintaining overall health. In cases where dietary intake is insufficient or there is an increased need for certain vitamins, such as in cases of nutrient deficiencies, digestive disorders, or other conditions, taking multivitamins can help supplement these deficiencies. Currently, there are various types of multivitamins available, designed to meet the needs of different target groups, especially women, including working women, pregnant women, elderly individuals, and others. Multivitamins are commonly available in the form of tablets or capsules and can be purchased at pharmacies and general health stores. The health issues of individuals engaged in heavy workloads to be cautious of. During the working years, many people exert themselves physically and mentally, often with heavy workloads and insufficient rest. If they do not pay careful attention and maintain discipline, it can have significant long-term effects on their health. Common health problems that are often encountered include: Multiple sclerosis Gastric ulcers Hypertension Office syndrome Heart disease Acid reflux Urinary tract infections Vision problems Nutritional deficiencies Digestive system issues. The benefits of multivitamins, each type, for maintaining the health of hardworking women Based on the health issues for hardworking women who often lack time to seek out individual supplements, multivitamins have become particularly popular nowadays. The commonly preferred and highly essential multivitamins include: B-Complex Vitamins: This group of

Wrinkles: The main cause of makeup not sticking for women aged 30+

When entering the age of 30+, if you don’t take good care of your skin, apart from‘wrinkles,’ signs of aging will start to appear and the problem of ‘makeup not sticking’ will be another annoying issue for women in their 30s, especially those who have to interact with people at work. If you don’t want to encounter these problems repeatedly, you need to address them directly. Today, we’re going to share some tips for skincare, solving wrinkles during aging, and revealing youthful skin for long-lasting makeup. First of all, the problem of makeup not sticking arises from our facial skin. When we enter our 30s, our skin tends to become more prone to dryness than before. Moreover, if we lack deep skincare, it leads to the destruction of collagen and elastin. The deep layer of our skin or the dermis has a slower cell turnover rate, resulting in less resilient skin, dark circles, rough appearance, widened pores, and prominent wrinkles. If we try to fix these issues with botox injections or laser treatments, it’s like addressing the symptoms rather than the root cause. The same problems will come back to haunt us. Today, we’re going to provide some simple tips for women in their 30s to regain their beauty, both in makeup and without makeup. Facial exfoliation with scrub to prepare for nourishment: Cell turnover with scrub once or twice a week helps address issues like dark spots and reveals clearer, firmer skin. Follow up with moisturizing cream containing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, squalene, shea butter, and panthenol (Vitamin B5) to address the root cause of skin problems. Supplement with collagen: As we enter our 30s, collagen production under our skin slows down. Therefore, collagen supplements are a good and convenient option for busy working women to take care

3 Immune Boosting Supplements for Seniors to Take in Winter

Winter is another critical period when families need to pay special attention to the health care of the elderly, especially in Thailand where weather conditions change significantly. In Thailand, the weather typically transitions from hot during the day to cooler temperatures in the evening during the winter season. This rapid change, particularly in provinces with unpredictable weather patterns, can significantly impact the elderly, whose bodies are more vulnerable to sudden changes and extremes. They may struggle to adapt, leading to illnesses, fever, or exacerbation of existing health conditions. Therefore, during the winter months, it’s crucial for families to be extra vigilant and attentive to the health care needs of the elderly. 3 health problems for the elderly in winter: Respiratory system-related diseases, such as various types of flu. While the flu might not have a significant impact on younger individuals, it can lead to complications for the elderly, potentially exacerbating other underlying health conditions. The flu can also cause severe illness in the elderly. Joint pain-related conditions, especially for the elderly with chronic joint issues. Cold weather can exacerbate symptoms of inflammatory joint diseases, leading to more severe inflammation. Conditions related to abnormal body temperature regulation. This is particularly concerning for elderly individuals living in remote rural areas with severe cold weather. Reduced sensitivity to cold temperatures on the skin’s surface can impair the nervous system’s ability to regulate blood vessels in the skin to prevent heat loss from the body. This can lead to various adverse effects on the body’s regulatory mechanisms. Guidelines for winter health care: Maintain a balanced diet by focusing on consuming foods from all five food groups. Drink plenty of water to meet the body’s hydration needs or consider warming the body by drinking warm beverages. Engage in regular exercise to help muscles exert and

Biofit Triple B, a popular probiotic brand, made in Japan.

Which probiotic brand is good? Which one is suitable for us? How beneficial are they? What are the benefits? These are often basic questions that are frequently asked by those who are just starting to explore probiotic supplements. So, before you decide which brand is best for you, let’s delve deeper into probiotics, understand them better, and consider what suits you best. What are probiotics? Probiotics are beneficial living microorganisms, particularly for your digestive system. These probiotic bacteria can help balance the good and bad bacteria in your gut, support immune function, and reduce inflammation. There are many strains of probiotics, each with its own unique benefits. The human gut is home to billions of bacteria, known as the gut microbiota, which play a crucial role in your health. However, if the balance of bacteria in your body is disrupted, it can lead to overgrowth of harmful bacteria, inflammation, or gastrointestinal issues. This is where probiotics, or beneficial bacteria, come in. Probiotics are well-researched to be beneficial for your digestive system. They can help restore the balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut by increasing the population of beneficial bacteria. This, in turn, can promote overall well-being and prevent illness. Probiotics help with what? How are they essential for the body? Probiotics are beneficial bacteria for the body, with a notable role in balancing the digestive system or nurturing intestinal health. Each group of people receiving probiotics may benefit differently: Probiotics help balance the digestive system, reducing symptoms of constipation, diarrhea, and related issues. They aid in preventing and treating diarrhea, reducing the occurrence of food allergies, and promoting better growth. Probiotics assist in preventing and treating infections in the female reproductive tract, reducing the risk of intrauterine diseases. They improve digestive function in the elderly, alleviate constipation,

Soy protein supplements: Safe, highly popular health-conscious choice.

What is protein and how is it essential for the body? Protein is a vital and essential nutrient for the growth and development of the body. No other nutrients can replace it. It is responsible for building muscles and is not readily burned for energy. It supports growth and development, crucial in the process of tissue building and repair, and plays a significant role in maintaining overall health. The protein you need can be found in foods such as meat, beans, soybeans, milk, eggs, and others. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance and health of the body. The necessary amount of protein required by the body. For individuals looking to build muscle while minimizing fat or keeping it at a minimum, it may not be necessary to exercise every day. Daily workouts increase the risk of muscle injury. Therefore, it’s important to get enough protein to support muscle growth, and the required amount varies from person to person. For example: The general population needs about 0.8-1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Those aiming to build muscle require 2-3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day, which is about 2-3 times more than the general population. Signs and Symptoms of Protein Deficiency Protein deficiency can have various impacts on the body, including muscle health, immune system function, skin, hair, and mood. Consuming sufficient protein is crucial for maintaining overall health and should be balanced in the diet to prevent deficiencies and associated symptoms such as: Muscle loss: Reduction in muscle size and strength. Edema: Swelling in the abdomen, legs, feet, and hands due to fluid accumulation. Hair, nail, and skin abnormalities: Symptoms like hair loss, thinning hair, brittle nails, and dry skin. Fatigue and weakness: Feeling tired and lacking energy,

Really? About… Does rain cause colds? Symptoms and basic ways to cope with the flu.

During the rainy season, we often hear the phrase “Don’t get wet, or you’ll catch a cold.” But is it true that rain can actually cause us to catch a cold? The common cold is caused by a viral infection in the upper respiratory tract. During rainy weather, there is rain and strong winds, which may carry the viruses that cause the common cold. Additionally, the decrease in temperature can make the nasal passages cooler and more conducive to the replication of viruses. Furthermore, coming into contact with a high concentration of viruses before the rain falls can weaken the body’s immune response, making it unable to fight off the viruses effectively. This can result in symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, and a sore throat. Early signs indicating that you may have a cold include: Sore throat Nasal congestion or runny nose Cough with mucus Mild fever or slight headache Symptoms of the common cold typically last for no more than 1-2 weeks. Although they are not usually severe, they can still be contagious, especially among individuals who are in close proximity to each other. Transmission can occur through shared items or by inhaling air containing droplets of nasal mucus or saliva from someone who is sick. This is often observed in environments such as schools, factories, or large offices. Treatment and management for the common cold include: Getting plenty of rest Dressing warmly to keep your body warm and avoiding exposure to rain or cold environments Drinking plenty of fluids to help reduce fever and replace lost fluids Taking medication as needed according to the advice of a doctor or pharmacist Therefore, for good health and strength, it’s important to take care of ourselves by consuming a balanced diet, engaging in regular exercise, and getting adequate rest.

Cramp again! How do I break this cycle of repeated folly?

“Cramp” is a condition of muscle cramping that causes pain and stiffness, often occurring suddenly and persisting for a period of time. This condition is commonly found among individuals who engage in physical activity but neglect to stretch their muscles before and after exercising, or even among those who are not very physically active, such as office workers who sit for long periods without much movement. Many people often try to alleviate the problem with squeezing or massaging without paying much attention to it. However, did you know that it could be a sign of an underlying abnormality in the body that should not be overlooked? Cramp can occur in various areas of the body, not just the legs as commonly understood. It can occur in: Abdominal region: Often caused by digestive system issues, infections, or strenuous abdominal exercises. Back: Resulting from excessive force during bending or lifting heavy objects, or prolonged bending. Legs: Commonly experienced during exercise due to overuse of muscles leading to cramping or weakness. What causes cramp? Cramp is currently believed to occur due to infrequent stretching of tendons and muscles, making them prone to cramping or spasms. Additionally, it is thought that abnormalities in nerve cells and nerves controlling muscle contractions and relaxations may contribute to this condition. Poor circulation of blood to nourish the muscles adequately is also considered a possible cause. Other factors associated with the occurrence of cramp include: Dehydration from inadequate water intake, leading to muscle cell dehydration. Low blood calcium levels, which can occur frequently in individuals with hypocalcemia. Imbalance of electrolytes in the body, particularly sodium and potassium. Fatigued or weakened muscles from prolonged use. Inflexible and tense muscles that hinder blood circulation. How to solve the problem of cramp Straighten your legs, curl your toes up, and hold

Probiotics, good for consumption, beneficial for balancing and strengthening the gut microbiota.

Probiotics, what is that, how beneficial for balancing and strengthening the gut microbiota Probiotics are beneficial living microorganisms for the body’s health. They are biological agents that can help maintain the balance of the gastrointestinal and immune systems within the body. Probiotics come in various types, mostly consisting of beneficial bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, which naturally reside in the human and animal gastrointestinal tract. Probiotics can increase the quantity and diversity of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, promoting gut balance and reducing symptoms of constipation. Additionally, probiotics can enhance the body’s immune system and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. Probiotics can be obtained from foods or beverages containing beneficial bacteria, such as yogurt with live cultures, health drinks containing beneficial bacteria, and various forms of probiotic supplements, including capsules, tablets, or sachets. Probiotics can obtain nutrients from various natural sources 1. Fruits and Vegetables Fresh fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of probiotics, such as bananas, pineapples, kiwis, papayas, apples, strawberries, watermelons, and a variety of leafy greens like spinach, kale, bok choy, napa cabbage, and mustard greens. These foods provide essential nutrients such as vitamins and dietary fiber. 2. Whole Grains Natural sources of whole grains, such as corn, brown rice, and oatmeal, provide energy and nutrients like carbohydrates, folate, and dietary fiber. 3. Natural Beverages Examples include green tea, jasmine tea, and coffee, which contain various nutrients such as antioxidants in green tea and caffeine in coffee. 4. Protein from Natural Sources Foods rich in protein include animal meats, eggs, beans, dairy products like yogurt, and seafood such as salmon, shrimp, and crab. These foods provide essential nutrients such as amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Consuming probiotics from natural sources can provide a diverse range of nutrients. However, it’s important to remember to maintain a

Calcium for the elderly

What is calcium? Calcium is an essential nutrient for the body in building and maintaining bones and teeth. Additionally, calcium plays a crucial role in controlling muscle contraction and ensuring the normal functioning of both the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. Furthermore, calcium offers many other benefits, such as aiding in blood clotting, supporting the growth and development of children, and reducing the risk of heart disease and osteoporosis. Calcium benefits the body in several ways: Nourishing the nervous system and muscles: Calcium is crucial for transmitting nerve signals and maintaining muscle flexibility, allowing the body to function normally. Supporting bone and tooth health: Calcium is vital for the formation and maintenance of bones and teeth, ensuring their strength and preventing bone and tooth diseases. Aiding cell production and repair: Calcium is a component of cells and assists in generating new cells while repairing damaged ones. Reducing damage from inflammation: Calcium is essential for nourishing and repairing tissues damaged by inflammation, accelerating tissue recovery and reducing damage. Calcium for the elderly From the information above, it’s evident that calcium is crucial, beneficial, and necessary for individuals of all ages. For seniors who have experienced many life events and have been using their bodies for many years, various problems related to calcium deficiency are often encountered. This can lead to conditions such as osteoporosis, brittle bones, bone fractures, or easily broken bones due to inadequate nutrient intake. The appropriate calcium intake for the elderly: For individuals aged 19-50 years, they should aim for 800 milligrams of calcium per day. For individuals aged 51 years and older, they should aim for 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day. At the very least, ensuring a regular intake of 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day is considered sufficient for the body. The

The more stressed you are, the more susceptible you are to infections. Reduce stress levels with vitamin B.

When stress feels closer than you think, and it can happen to anyone regardless of age or gender, from traffic jams to heavy workloads, the daily challenges we face can be overwhelming. But did you know that the more stressed you are, the more susceptible you are to infections? And why does it have such an impact on the body, increasing the risk of getting infected even more? What causes stress? Stress is an emotional state that occurs in response to unexpected situations or events that impact the body and mind, leading to feelings of pressure, anxiety, frustration, disappointment, and profound sadness. This can also result from repetitive daily activities, such as staying up late, waking up early, or engaging in demanding work or study. These behaviors all affect our emotional state. When faced with abnormal situations, the body undergoes arousal, releasing cortisol, a hormone crucial for maintaining balance and coping with stress. Cortisol plays a vital role in regulating blood sugar levels, controlling blood pressure, and reducing inflammation in the body. When cortisol is stimulated to be released more than usual, the body’s energy expenditure increases to utilize nutrients and vitamin B. As the body depletes its vitamin B resources, the immune system’s efficiency decreases, leaving the body vulnerable to infections more than usual. This makes the body weaker, fatigued, less vibrant, and more susceptible to infections compared to the average person. Reduce stress with Vitamin B Vitamin B is an essential nutrient for the body and cannot be produced internally, so it must be supplemented through adequate dietary intake to prevent vitamin B deficiency caused by stress. This is especially important for students or individuals with demanding jobs who are prone to stress. Therefore, to maintain a strong immune system and reduce daily stress levels, it’s crucial to

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